Friday, October 8, 2010

am no longer in Minnesota ... so it seems unnatural to continue a blog based around being there ...

as i am no longer in minnesota, therefore having no more misadventures in minnesota for the time being ... i temporarily or perhaps permanently close this blog. Perhaps it will be revisited for random trips, but for now I've chosen to start a new one here:



Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flash Mob at the Ohio Union 5/3/2010 - The Ohio State University

just when I start to get slightly depressed at the thought of leaving Minnesota, something like this reminds me of why I'm finally coming home ... Ohio is just that awesome! :)

Makes me proud to be from the Buckeye state

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Now I have my own website! YAY :)

So, last night I officially bought my domain name and web hosting space for my very own personal / business website!!!!!! Exciting. Now I just have to somehow link all 3 of the sites I've put together cohesively ... one contains my portfolio, one is a personal link domain, one is school work, and I have a bunch of photo galleries that would be nice to include ...........

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) is now mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is it about the irish?

What is it about Celtic music? It just makes sense :)

Was listening to Celtic Thunder on the way to picking up Gusgus's dinner and heard this song on the way home that made my day. Yes, it brought out the girly in me, but I don't care. It drew a correlation of love and life to sailing; a voyage ... and it was beautiful. Geeky as it is to admit it, walking from my car back to my building, I couldn't wait to blog about it.

It's the Irish. They just know how to describe things and express themselves through words and song. And it makes me a giddy girl.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

procrastination finale

So this is the final phase of procrastination, and the last bit ... finally finished shooting 10 minutes ago for my final due tomorrow, so the all-nighter will commence as soon as I harvest my watermelons in farmville :) I've also decided that the last year has been so hectic with two schools and not being able to work enough hours to afford things that as soon as my final test for digidarkroom is done on wednesday, I'm re-installing and getting a new WOW account. I'd given it up a couple years ago when I realized that I could put the money toward having the internet period, but DDO isn't cutting it. It's free, and slightly enjoyable, but when it comes to D&D, I'd rather play it in person than on the computer ... it's not the same as wow, and I miss my old avatar ... will have to create a new character, and my old name's probably gone, poop!

But as far as my final ... its a series of intersections and turns ... shot in HDR. I'm putting them together in a book bound by coptic stitch; hopefully I can get it all done before I have to go to my morning bible school class ... and the photo final's due at 11

Friday, March 19, 2010


my new obsession, The Guild is hilarious!!!!!

"Being a girl is so much work!" - The Guild s02e05

$9.75 worth of laundry done in one night!!!!!

Got a carepackage from mom today :)

mail, of course
mini macaroni
4 pack of skyline chili, yum
a roll of quarters (guess she knew i'd be behind on laundry)
and 7 double packs of pepperidge farm chocolate brownie chunk cookies!!!!!

I love my mom :)

So I've figured out that during finals and midterms, I become an uber nerd / geek. I don't mean in the way of too much studying and carrying a book with me at all times (though that is indeed the case), but I mean in the way I choose to spend my freetime ...
Today, friday night, I did laundry. Last weekend, both days were spent oddly. Friday and Saturday I spent the entirety of the days practicing non-adhesive bindings (book-binding). Saturday night, went to a lan and played doda and warcraft mods until the wee hours of the morning ... at which point a couple of us attempted to start a board game (didn't even finish with the set-up phase, loopiness of tired). Sunday night consisted of a movie night with some friends ...the movie watched: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (the week before it was Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel ... a new addition to my list of favorite movies cuz it was awesome!!!!). It was basically an easier to understand hollywood version of Primer, which i've only seen once so far, so it's going to take a few more watchings before i understand everything ...

Oh, and for the third time in my life a guy friend of mine who chose to date someone else is getting married to that other person. Granted, at least this time I wasn't in love with the guy ... but I liked him (if I were still in HS, he would have gotten my orange Crush) ... the other two times this has happened were really hard. I fear this is starting to become my pattern. I try not to worry; I know the lord has a plan and knows who i get to marry and pop out babies with, but getting crushed like this again and again ... i'm not sure how many hammers I can take. Each butterfly's flutter just gets stomped on as it rests to smell the flowers. And people wonder why I don't date?!?! If I let my heart open and become vulnerable, it's just going to be mushed around with a potato masher, make it a rusty potato masher ... just a pile of gluck; a bloody mess (note the English vocabulary, been watching a bit too much BBC this year) They always chose someone else. For some reason, I just make a better friend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A lil update-age

Quote of the day / week / month ... just a really good quote!

"I was a good monk, and I kept to the rule of my order so strictly that I may say that if a monk got to heaven by his monkery it was I." ~Martin Luther

love the fact that he uses the word "monkery" ... makes me think that much of the concept that being a monk is straight monkey business ... ooo eee ah ah ah! :)

Saw an amazing movie this weekend that might soon make it's way on my top list:
"Frequently asked questions about time travel" love it!!!!!

Now have the soundtrack to "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog" ... Love the Freeze-Ray song :)

So Pastor Lee told a great amish joke during our time touching on the antibaptist movement:

So, did you hear about the norweigan man who married this amish lady? Well, it didn't work out very well ... he drove her buggy.

This past weekend, I spent 2 days making boxes. will get around to uploading the pictures eventually :)

My Japanese woodblock class ended the other week ... unfortunately. need to set aside some time to get back into it and keep practicing. Have been told to check out the chinese method during my trip, so now I'll have to do some heavy googling to find some woodblock printing studios in the cities i'll be in.

Learned a new Japanese binding method the other week: daifuku cho binding was mainly used for ledgers and such ... could be tied together ... for the quick grab or thrown in a bucket of water in case of fire ... the sumi ink wouldn't run just by getting wet, so they could just dry it out again afterward.

Can't think of anything else at the moment, save the fact that I turned in my notice for the apartment ... I'm gonna miss my landlord, not to mention all this building's staff :) If I ever find myself in Minnesota again, I'm definitely coming back to this building, or at least another one owned by them ... it's strange how a family owned building makes you feel like a part of a strange form of isolated extended family despite the fact that you hardly see (or even meet) your neighbors

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Frustrations with the human species

I hope I haven't become pretentious or pompous in my way of dealing with others, but I've found that the intensity of my annoyance with people has increased drastically in the last 5 years. It's strange, but I find it increasingly impossible to deal with, to put it in polite terms, "stupid people". Stupidity and ignorance of others is harder for me to accept and deal with ... I'd rather just tell them to quit talking, or simply walk away to avoid staying and feeling like my brain cells are dying one by one simply by staying put and listening to nonsense. I can't understand how people can be such idiots.

Example 1: Via the internet, my activity on this dating/networking site has turned into a bit of a social experiment in my book ... a way of amusement. Someone had read my profile and asked what kombucha was. I responded simply by saying it was fermented tea. Their response: " So how would this kind of tea be different than say, green tea?" What kind of response is that? If you don't understand a word like say, fermentation ... look it up in the dictionary rather than waste my time in explaining what the fermented version of a substance is ... or at least google it for goodness' sake!

Example 2: Knowing the difference between a date and the beginning of what could be a friendship. I meet this guy on a music forum who loves board games but hasn't played a really amazing one I mention. It's cool, we meet at a coffee shop/cafe. He has a coffee, I have tea, we play, fun times are had. He's hungry, we go to a music cafe. He gets nachos, I get some coffee, I go home. He texts me that his buddy is the music director at a high school in St Paul, we make plans. We go, get in free, great show, it's Grease. The whole time, I think we're hanging out getting to know each other as friends. We go backstage to meet up with his friend, and he introduces me, saying it's our second date? I don't want it to be a date, when did it become a date? I paid for my own coffee ... I drove to south St Paul using an entire half tank of gas, upon re-fill there's no offer to pitch in for gas money. We get food, he's got cash, but has them split the bill in half and he gets tons of change, but since I was using my card, I'm stuck with covering the tip as well as my half of the bill! I'm ready to go home, but he decides I have to experience this other club ... lame, and the entire time I want to go home. I tell him I'll be busy the next week with 2 projects and have no free time outside work and school, yet he invites me to do something the next day ... saying if I have time after ... when I've explained that my projects were 2 weeks worth of work ... if he wonders why I never called ...? This is why I don't date!

People tell me that I need to get out there, spend time with the male species. Why should I if I have no interest? The one person I've hopelessly liked for so long has no idea, and I don't like anyone else. I have no desire to go on any pointless dates or waste my time with people who i can't stand, or make my brain feel like it's going to explode from the ingest of so much stupidity.

There are oodles and oodles of examples I could use from my dealings with people at work, but I won't get into the male chauvinistic russian pig that came into the polo department the other day

Weekend musings

So I finally broke down and went to Mall of America yesterday .... wasn't really planned. My mom's best friend, Penny was in town this weekend for a leadership training workshop, so we had dinner and hung out a bit. Thursday, I picked her up after my morning class to show her around town. We had coffee, hit Magers and Quinn (an amazing book store on Hennepin), finally went to Jerusalem (an amazing authentic middle-eastern restaurant around the corner from my apartment) and explored sculpture garden for the millionth time. It was fun. She showed me some pictures of my mom in college ... it was so strange to see my mom with that hair!

The last two days were a one-day sale at work ... my disappointment at it not being slow enough for me to sneak some reading had my co-workers accusing me of reading too much. Do I read too much? Does choosing to stay in with music and a book over clubbing or bar hopping have to be such a bad thing?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Spooky Burnside

Apparently, to get your star persona, you take the name of your first pet followed by your mother's maiden name ... am kinda diggin the name:
Spooky Burnside :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

wood testing

So, with my trip to Lowe's today I was shopping for 1 by 2's and 1 by 4's ... as I was doing the eye test to make sure they had the least amount of bow, I found that the straightest piece had a bunch of knots in it. Led me to the following conclusion:

I like my wood like I like my men: Straight and a little knotty :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

China Trip Details...

It looks like I'm going to be moving back home before the trip, so I'll be able to fly out of Columbus, Yay! Home to Ohio!

So I thought I'd post the details for my trip. It's not until June, but I'm stoked ... too excited to sit on my hands.

It's called "China in Lens" June 20-30, 2010.

Starting in Beijing
  • photography assignment
  • Tiananmen Square
  • The Forbidden City
  • Palace Museum
  • Temple of Heaven
  • Imperial Tea House
  • Back-stage tour of Peking Opera House to complete photography assignment
  • Evening performance of the Peking Opera
  • Visit Central Academy of Fine Arts
  • Tour of CAFA Art Museum
  • Chinese Photographer's Association
  • visit Beijing printing company
  • Great Wall to complete photography assignment
  • tour of Chinese ancient city compound ("Hutong") to complete photography assignment
  • Xi'an Archaeological Museum (including Terra-Cotta Warrior & Horse Museum) to complete photography assignment
  • tour of the Great Mosque to complete photography assignment
  • performance of Tang Dynasty Show
Mt Taibai
  • Taibai Mountain, highest peak of Qinling Range
  • tour of Mt Taibai park to complete photography assignment
  • stop at a rural market to complete photography assignment
  • walking tour of Xi'an's Muslim District to complete photography assignment
  • m97 Museum of Fine Art and Contemporary Photography
  • visit to Shanghai wedding photography studio
  • tour of Shanghai silk factory - another photography assignment
  • walking tour of Old Shanghai to complete photography assignment
  • free afternoon to explore Chenghuang Temple District (or 2010 World Expo)
EEEEEEeeeeeee!!!!! I'm so excited!

about China ...

So, this whole going to China thing .... I'm uber excited about it!!!!!
I'd seen on the study abroad fliers that there was a photography trip to China, but like all study abroad trips, I knew any would be out of my price range. It's rare that AI has a trip that's for photography students. Usually they're for graphic design, advertising, culinary, even fashion. Last year I had seen that there was a semester study in Berlin ... that would have been cool, but again, expensive.

Since the new abroad flier came out last quarter, for some reason, I kept looking at it ... seeing "China in Lens" a short trip between quarters ... and I kept wondering ...

Last Friday, in my search for school sponsored tax advice, I found myself in the office of Student Affairs ... the office in which the Study Abroad coordinator's desk also resides ... Upon leaving, I couldn't help but ask. Armed with a packet, I was through it even before I made it home ... Talking to my mom that afternoon regarding the dates the folks were planning to come out and help me move back to Ohio ... (The planned weekend was the departure date of this trip) So I bring it up ... thinking it another idea that would be shot down, especially by my dad ... Why should I spend that much money to go to China and take pictures!!!???? I could hear it in my head immediately. Mom tells me she'll bring it up to dad, but doesn't really seem on-board with the spending of money/ student loan situation.

I get a call a couple hours later ... "Your Dad wants to talk to you, I'll let you tell him more about it" He asks if I get college credit for it? Yes, it's a class ... assignments each day of the trip. He asks what's included? Everything except what I choose to do off the itenary ... museums, etc. Cost? His response: You should do this. You're never going to get an opportunity like this for that price. Some of the guys at work that got to go to Japan, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and this is too. You're gonna need spending money ... I ... we can take care of that, help you with that since You're gonna have to take out a student loan for this ... but it's worth it.

My dad, who doesn't understand me, art, music, on the outside looks like he dislikes asians (when in reality, he just can't stand some of the jerks he works for who happen to be Japanese) is acually on board and excited about me taking a trip to China! My first trip out of this country (besides Canada before passports were required) is going to be to China!!!!!!!! They're even helping me buy new luggage, since my set's wheels finally bit the dust, and the set I had as a kid definitely wouldn't survive the trip. :) :) :) I'm going to China!!!!!!!

I've always had a heart for Asia ... the underground church in China and Korea ... I love Asians and want to see them introduced to Jesus. Always wanted to go to Japan, but I'd be incredibly happy to go to any oriental culture! Apparently the Chinese method of woodblock printing is similar, but a little different from Japanese, so if I can, I'd love to see a bit of that as well while I'm there. Mariko (my Japanese friend at work who's in love with China) said she'd give me all the info of any extra things for the cities I'll be in as well as any pointers for China travel :) . Varita (who's from Thailand) said that the next time in a couple years when she goes back home (this year she's going in April) I should come with her ... which would be amazing. I should have a real job by then to pay for the the trip. She says her family lives in a province close to Bangkok so we can visit the city, but not deal with staying there since it's so hectic :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Guess What!!!!!

It's official, I'm going to China!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

whoops ... gave myself food poisoning ...

So the other day, I decided to make pork and sauerkraut ... added applesauce and potatoes ... perfect combo. Cooked it in the crock pot for 4 hours, was tasty :). Went to work the next day ... nauseated ... varnicked a couple times enough to go home. Figured it was just the 24 hr stomach flu I'd heard was going around at work ... think nothing of it, just feelin crappy. Decide to "re-heat" dinner in the crock pot ... only fell asleep and it was left to cook at least another 6 hours at least by accident. Looking at the porkchops ... they looked pretty well-done, juicy and tasted amazing the sauerkraut and applesauce mix was less runny ... perfect! ... thinking back to the previous taste ... I'm not sure the porkchops were cooked all the way ... either that, or the raw juice had mixed in with the sauerkraut liquid ... either way, it was no stomach bug ... only a faulty crock pot that doesn't heat to a high enough temperature on high simmer ... serves me right for using a crock pot someone gave me for free ... because they chose never to use it ... whoops :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Forgot about Jewel

So, I was waiting for an important phone call this afternoon and decided to do some online surfing ... seems a funny phrase since I've never stepped foot on a board ... but anywho ...
I was thinking about Nickle Creek's The Hand Song, and it got me thinking about Jewel's old song: Hands ... specifically the Christmas version.

In middle school and high school, the only way in which I was your typical teenage girl was in the fact that I watched watched TRL, on top of my jewel albums ... didn't have the Jewel poster, but I had the fold-out that came in one of those infamous teen-bop or whatever they were called magazines ... among many pop artists at the time I had on the wall above my bed. Yes... and I must leave room for gasps and cringes ... among Hanson, N'Sync, Bewitched, and Spice Girls. I listened to oldies, classic rock, boy bands, and strange girl groups. But Jewel ... I think every girl owned a Jewel album, so I feel far less shame in this. She ended up one of the decent pop stars ... but I wondered what happened to her. I'd heard she did quite a bit of charity work ... healthy water in Africa. Then, I remembered Dancing with the Stars that I watched a few episodes of a while back with my mum ... she married the rodeo dude. After a little bit of google-ing and finding her website, I've figured it out. She went country .. not big country, but nevertheless Country. Not half bad either ... the breathy-ness of her pop days has been replaced with a supported early Shania Twain voice ... keeping the unique quality that we loved intact. When I have money ... I think I just might have to buy an album. :)