Wednesday, February 17, 2010

about China ...

So, this whole going to China thing .... I'm uber excited about it!!!!!
I'd seen on the study abroad fliers that there was a photography trip to China, but like all study abroad trips, I knew any would be out of my price range. It's rare that AI has a trip that's for photography students. Usually they're for graphic design, advertising, culinary, even fashion. Last year I had seen that there was a semester study in Berlin ... that would have been cool, but again, expensive.

Since the new abroad flier came out last quarter, for some reason, I kept looking at it ... seeing "China in Lens" a short trip between quarters ... and I kept wondering ...

Last Friday, in my search for school sponsored tax advice, I found myself in the office of Student Affairs ... the office in which the Study Abroad coordinator's desk also resides ... Upon leaving, I couldn't help but ask. Armed with a packet, I was through it even before I made it home ... Talking to my mom that afternoon regarding the dates the folks were planning to come out and help me move back to Ohio ... (The planned weekend was the departure date of this trip) So I bring it up ... thinking it another idea that would be shot down, especially by my dad ... Why should I spend that much money to go to China and take pictures!!!???? I could hear it in my head immediately. Mom tells me she'll bring it up to dad, but doesn't really seem on-board with the spending of money/ student loan situation.

I get a call a couple hours later ... "Your Dad wants to talk to you, I'll let you tell him more about it" He asks if I get college credit for it? Yes, it's a class ... assignments each day of the trip. He asks what's included? Everything except what I choose to do off the itenary ... museums, etc. Cost? His response: You should do this. You're never going to get an opportunity like this for that price. Some of the guys at work that got to go to Japan, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and this is too. You're gonna need spending money ... I ... we can take care of that, help you with that since You're gonna have to take out a student loan for this ... but it's worth it.

My dad, who doesn't understand me, art, music, on the outside looks like he dislikes asians (when in reality, he just can't stand some of the jerks he works for who happen to be Japanese) is acually on board and excited about me taking a trip to China! My first trip out of this country (besides Canada before passports were required) is going to be to China!!!!!!!! They're even helping me buy new luggage, since my set's wheels finally bit the dust, and the set I had as a kid definitely wouldn't survive the trip. :) :) :) I'm going to China!!!!!!!

I've always had a heart for Asia ... the underground church in China and Korea ... I love Asians and want to see them introduced to Jesus. Always wanted to go to Japan, but I'd be incredibly happy to go to any oriental culture! Apparently the Chinese method of woodblock printing is similar, but a little different from Japanese, so if I can, I'd love to see a bit of that as well while I'm there. Mariko (my Japanese friend at work who's in love with China) said she'd give me all the info of any extra things for the cities I'll be in as well as any pointers for China travel :) . Varita (who's from Thailand) said that the next time in a couple years when she goes back home (this year she's going in April) I should come with her ... which would be amazing. I should have a real job by then to pay for the the trip. She says her family lives in a province close to Bangkok so we can visit the city, but not deal with staying there since it's so hectic :)

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