Sunday, March 21, 2010

procrastination finale

So this is the final phase of procrastination, and the last bit ... finally finished shooting 10 minutes ago for my final due tomorrow, so the all-nighter will commence as soon as I harvest my watermelons in farmville :) I've also decided that the last year has been so hectic with two schools and not being able to work enough hours to afford things that as soon as my final test for digidarkroom is done on wednesday, I'm re-installing and getting a new WOW account. I'd given it up a couple years ago when I realized that I could put the money toward having the internet period, but DDO isn't cutting it. It's free, and slightly enjoyable, but when it comes to D&D, I'd rather play it in person than on the computer ... it's not the same as wow, and I miss my old avatar ... will have to create a new character, and my old name's probably gone, poop!

But as far as my final ... its a series of intersections and turns ... shot in HDR. I'm putting them together in a book bound by coptic stitch; hopefully I can get it all done before I have to go to my morning bible school class ... and the photo final's due at 11

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