Friday, March 19, 2010

$9.75 worth of laundry done in one night!!!!!

Got a carepackage from mom today :)

mail, of course
mini macaroni
4 pack of skyline chili, yum
a roll of quarters (guess she knew i'd be behind on laundry)
and 7 double packs of pepperidge farm chocolate brownie chunk cookies!!!!!

I love my mom :)

So I've figured out that during finals and midterms, I become an uber nerd / geek. I don't mean in the way of too much studying and carrying a book with me at all times (though that is indeed the case), but I mean in the way I choose to spend my freetime ...
Today, friday night, I did laundry. Last weekend, both days were spent oddly. Friday and Saturday I spent the entirety of the days practicing non-adhesive bindings (book-binding). Saturday night, went to a lan and played doda and warcraft mods until the wee hours of the morning ... at which point a couple of us attempted to start a board game (didn't even finish with the set-up phase, loopiness of tired). Sunday night consisted of a movie night with some friends ...the movie watched: The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (the week before it was Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel ... a new addition to my list of favorite movies cuz it was awesome!!!!). It was basically an easier to understand hollywood version of Primer, which i've only seen once so far, so it's going to take a few more watchings before i understand everything ...

Oh, and for the third time in my life a guy friend of mine who chose to date someone else is getting married to that other person. Granted, at least this time I wasn't in love with the guy ... but I liked him (if I were still in HS, he would have gotten my orange Crush) ... the other two times this has happened were really hard. I fear this is starting to become my pattern. I try not to worry; I know the lord has a plan and knows who i get to marry and pop out babies with, but getting crushed like this again and again ... i'm not sure how many hammers I can take. Each butterfly's flutter just gets stomped on as it rests to smell the flowers. And people wonder why I don't date?!?! If I let my heart open and become vulnerable, it's just going to be mushed around with a potato masher, make it a rusty potato masher ... just a pile of gluck; a bloody mess (note the English vocabulary, been watching a bit too much BBC this year) They always chose someone else. For some reason, I just make a better friend.