Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A lil update-age

Quote of the day / week / month ... just a really good quote!

"I was a good monk, and I kept to the rule of my order so strictly that I may say that if a monk got to heaven by his monkery it was I." ~Martin Luther

love the fact that he uses the word "monkery" ... makes me think that much of the concept that being a monk is straight monkey business ... ooo eee ah ah ah! :)

Saw an amazing movie this weekend that might soon make it's way on my top list:
"Frequently asked questions about time travel" love it!!!!!

Now have the soundtrack to "Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog" ... Love the Freeze-Ray song :)

So Pastor Lee told a great amish joke during our time touching on the antibaptist movement:

So, did you hear about the norweigan man who married this amish lady? Well, it didn't work out very well ... he drove her buggy.

This past weekend, I spent 2 days making boxes. will get around to uploading the pictures eventually :)

My Japanese woodblock class ended the other week ... unfortunately. need to set aside some time to get back into it and keep practicing. Have been told to check out the chinese method during my trip, so now I'll have to do some heavy googling to find some woodblock printing studios in the cities i'll be in.

Learned a new Japanese binding method the other week: daifuku cho binding was mainly used for ledgers and such ... could be tied together ... for the quick grab or thrown in a bucket of water in case of fire ... the sumi ink wouldn't run just by getting wet, so they could just dry it out again afterward.

Can't think of anything else at the moment, save the fact that I turned in my notice for the apartment ... I'm gonna miss my landlord, not to mention all this building's staff :) If I ever find myself in Minnesota again, I'm definitely coming back to this building, or at least another one owned by them ... it's strange how a family owned building makes you feel like a part of a strange form of isolated extended family despite the fact that you hardly see (or even meet) your neighbors

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