Thursday, January 14, 2010

Forgot about Jewel

So, I was waiting for an important phone call this afternoon and decided to do some online surfing ... seems a funny phrase since I've never stepped foot on a board ... but anywho ...
I was thinking about Nickle Creek's The Hand Song, and it got me thinking about Jewel's old song: Hands ... specifically the Christmas version.

In middle school and high school, the only way in which I was your typical teenage girl was in the fact that I watched watched TRL, on top of my jewel albums ... didn't have the Jewel poster, but I had the fold-out that came in one of those infamous teen-bop or whatever they were called magazines ... among many pop artists at the time I had on the wall above my bed. Yes... and I must leave room for gasps and cringes ... among Hanson, N'Sync, Bewitched, and Spice Girls. I listened to oldies, classic rock, boy bands, and strange girl groups. But Jewel ... I think every girl owned a Jewel album, so I feel far less shame in this. She ended up one of the decent pop stars ... but I wondered what happened to her. I'd heard she did quite a bit of charity work ... healthy water in Africa. Then, I remembered Dancing with the Stars that I watched a few episodes of a while back with my mum ... she married the rodeo dude. After a little bit of google-ing and finding her website, I've figured it out. She went country .. not big country, but nevertheless Country. Not half bad either ... the breathy-ness of her pop days has been replaced with a supported early Shania Twain voice ... keeping the unique quality that we loved intact. When I have money ... I think I just might have to buy an album. :)

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