Monday, April 13, 2009

sink adventures

a friend of mine suggested I start a blog of the many lame and strange adventures I've had while living out here, so here we go.

Yesterday, as everyone knows, was Easter.
Went to my first Catholic mass ... on recommendation of a friend, and I must say it was absolutely beautiful ... the service as well as the bascillica itself ... breathtaking! It's so strange how the design of a space or building can take your breath away just as much as what goes on there.

Story time ...

Until last night, I hadn't used my sink in 3 days in fear that I could lose the necklace that I foolishly left on the counter before a shower and was accidentally knocked in. Yesterday afternoon, I took on the task of rescuing the necklace. The first thing I learned about sinks is that there's a metal rod that has to be unhooked to get the stopper out. Then I realized that a magnet and string won't work since half the pipes are metal, but a coat hanger doesn't have enough bend for the curve at the bottom. I found out that the plastic piece between the 2 metal pipes unscrewed, so i had to twist the pipe at the wall to yank it loose. Then I come to find that there's too much water in the curve of the pipe so the magnet is useless. About half a roll of paper towels later, i've got a magnet taped to an old usb cord and the necklace almost makes it out. Half an hour later, I've managed to hook it before it falls back down into the water and the necklace is finally back. And the sink went almost back to exactly the way it was ... no leaks yet though.

The whole ordeal didn't take the entire afternoon ... gave up after the first couple hours, then went back to it a few hours later. Oddly enough, the necklace was a clearance $2.50 necklace I found when I was an avon lady ... a clover ... but my favorite necklace ... so worth saving. :)

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