Tuesday, April 21, 2009

mozart = beautiful music

So I realized that I haven't listened to classical music for quite some time until this week. And I really miss it. Tonight, since I have a bunch of things to do around my apartment, I put on the movie Amadeus ... music makes me happy. I actually miss analyzing music ... and now I'm as rusty as an old railroad spike that hasn't been used in quite some time. I really do want to finish my music major ...

I've decided that I have far too many interests ... passions actually. I'm passionate about far too many things, and specialization tends to bore me. It's not that I want to be in school forever, but I want to learn more about the things that I thoroughly enjoy. Then, I'll feel adequate enough to later teach it.

I've decided that I want to work freelance ... wedding, senior portraits, architecture, horticulture, engineer, etc .. photographs taken of final products, etc. That will be the way I'd like to earn a living, since teaching will definitely not pay the bills ... but It's what I want to do, so there's gotta be a way to make it work. Another fine thing about going into teaching is that I'll have summers and weekends to work on things. I've always wanted to teach.

I don't want to be in school forever, but I do want to learn things well, so that when I'm asked questions in mediums, I may be well-versed enough to give an adequate answer ... feel certified to teach well.

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