Wednesday, April 29, 2009

rain :)

Walking home from work in the rain is the best I've felt in a while. It was so refreshing! I love being stuck out in the rain :) Drip, Drip, Drop, little April showers.

So I finally saw the movie "He's just not that into you" last night. I can honestly say that I've had a revelation. I'm completely and utterly, deep down and through and through, a girl. I just have to accept it! No matter what, even though I try to deny girl qualities such as drama, pettiness and over-analysis, I still have those qualities. They may be in a simpler and less complex form, but I still have "girly" qualities. Upon this realization, I feel a little hopeless, but it's okay

So I work at Macy's and today I was in Coach Handbags. I honestly cannot fathom the point of paying so much for a simple purse/ handbag. It's simply ridiculous. Oddly enough, on my break I was abducted by a friend of mine in cosmetics, so I spent a break being pampered and made-up in Shiseido products. It was like a mini-make-over :). I've discovered, that compared to this stuff, Clinique cannot even compare ... [yes, I do take part in the girly ritual of cleansing and caring for my skin, so sue me] I also thought it was cool, because I always heard the name in the credits of the asian dramas I watch all the time, so it was cool to finally try it. The Japanese really know their stuff as far as products. Cameras, electronics, skin care, food, entertainment ... just send me there already, come on! Though for the last hour or so of my shift, I was sent to men's fragrances, like I know anything about that. I did, however, finally find an aftershave/cologne combo that doesn't smell horrid ... might get it for dad for father's day/bday since they're right next to each other. Versache has made a decent smell for men that doesn't make me gag [like most men's cologne that I can't stand]. It even has a hint of citrus lemon, and doesn't over-power.

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