Monday, April 20, 2009

how young is too young in the nuptual wagon?

I've started to wonder why people get married right out of college. When I think of the few close circles of friends I've had over the years, almost everyone in those circles is married, save a few strays of us that have fallen through the cracks of the nuptual wagon. I'm starting to wonder why that is. Why did I not get caught on a splinter of wood to prevent my fall off the map. As a whole, I haven't changed from who I was then to now, matured a lil bit, but that's pretty much it.

My somewhat rant/curiosity struck me while oddly enough, playing around on facebook. I just took notice that in a particular group of friends from college, practically everyone in that group had gotten married to someone they'd known less than a year ... some even less than 6 months. The first thought that came was shock ... and a bit of confusion set in. Why is everyone in such a hurry and get married?

A couple years ago, I probably would have fell prey to the rapid meet n' marry, but not so much anymore. It's not that I don't want to get married; my biggest dreams and ultimate goals still consist of getting married and popping out babies ... to be a mother. I just realized that I'm only 22, almost 23 years old. I'm not really ready to completely settle down, but I think it would be nice to start sharing my life with someone towards that end. I've realized that all the goals and ideas I have in the meantime don't require me to be alone. Maybe the whole dating thing wouldn't be so bad to get into ... perhaps ...

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