Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend musings

So I finally broke down and went to Mall of America yesterday .... wasn't really planned. My mom's best friend, Penny was in town this weekend for a leadership training workshop, so we had dinner and hung out a bit. Thursday, I picked her up after my morning class to show her around town. We had coffee, hit Magers and Quinn (an amazing book store on Hennepin), finally went to Jerusalem (an amazing authentic middle-eastern restaurant around the corner from my apartment) and explored sculpture garden for the millionth time. It was fun. She showed me some pictures of my mom in college ... it was so strange to see my mom with that hair!

The last two days were a one-day sale at work ... my disappointment at it not being slow enough for me to sneak some reading had my co-workers accusing me of reading too much. Do I read too much? Does choosing to stay in with music and a book over clubbing or bar hopping have to be such a bad thing?

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