Saturday, January 23, 2010

whoops ... gave myself food poisoning ...

So the other day, I decided to make pork and sauerkraut ... added applesauce and potatoes ... perfect combo. Cooked it in the crock pot for 4 hours, was tasty :). Went to work the next day ... nauseated ... varnicked a couple times enough to go home. Figured it was just the 24 hr stomach flu I'd heard was going around at work ... think nothing of it, just feelin crappy. Decide to "re-heat" dinner in the crock pot ... only fell asleep and it was left to cook at least another 6 hours at least by accident. Looking at the porkchops ... they looked pretty well-done, juicy and tasted amazing the sauerkraut and applesauce mix was less runny ... perfect! ... thinking back to the previous taste ... I'm not sure the porkchops were cooked all the way ... either that, or the raw juice had mixed in with the sauerkraut liquid ... either way, it was no stomach bug ... only a faulty crock pot that doesn't heat to a high enough temperature on high simmer ... serves me right for using a crock pot someone gave me for free ... because they chose never to use it ... whoops :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Forgot about Jewel

So, I was waiting for an important phone call this afternoon and decided to do some online surfing ... seems a funny phrase since I've never stepped foot on a board ... but anywho ...
I was thinking about Nickle Creek's The Hand Song, and it got me thinking about Jewel's old song: Hands ... specifically the Christmas version.

In middle school and high school, the only way in which I was your typical teenage girl was in the fact that I watched watched TRL, on top of my jewel albums ... didn't have the Jewel poster, but I had the fold-out that came in one of those infamous teen-bop or whatever they were called magazines ... among many pop artists at the time I had on the wall above my bed. Yes... and I must leave room for gasps and cringes ... among Hanson, N'Sync, Bewitched, and Spice Girls. I listened to oldies, classic rock, boy bands, and strange girl groups. But Jewel ... I think every girl owned a Jewel album, so I feel far less shame in this. She ended up one of the decent pop stars ... but I wondered what happened to her. I'd heard she did quite a bit of charity work ... healthy water in Africa. Then, I remembered Dancing with the Stars that I watched a few episodes of a while back with my mum ... she married the rodeo dude. After a little bit of google-ing and finding her website, I've figured it out. She went country .. not big country, but nevertheless Country. Not half bad either ... the breathy-ness of her pop days has been replaced with a supported early Shania Twain voice ... keeping the unique quality that we loved intact. When I have money ... I think I just might have to buy an album. :)