Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So, it was pointed out to me oh so obviously by a certain bobby character that I have yet to update this blog in the recent past, so here goes.

At 1amthis morning, I did something I really can't afford, but was completely worth it. bought the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Live deluxe edition ... It may sound lame and not exciting to the casual random observer, but if one understood the utter magnitude importance and sheer glee of this purchase for me, it would be less lame. I really hope that the Columbus, OH ... i believe 2006, or maybe it was 2005 performance of Gospel Song is included ... that would turn my glee into ... what's better than glee? hee hee ... rhyme, there.

Also, I must mentally note these: If I have any money in the forseeable future, these must be added to my library ... some to replace their paper counterparts.
book one
book two
book three

1 comment:

  1. you're right, that is lame :P

    you should try half priced books!

    miss you! :)
