Sunday, May 3, 2009

if you're going to san francisco

This is the baby I've been playing with this weekend. I've decided that I need to spend more time in St. Paul! Drove through St. Paul for the second time ever yesterday after meeting Mugs to take pics of the cathedral and I'm in love with a back alleyway! It just so happens to be right around the corner from Mikey's Diner, which I've finally found after meaning to go there for the past two years. Now I just need to eat there, lol. Even though it takes almost an hour to set up the camera, I'm starting to fall for the 4x5 format. You just get so much more in the photo than you can with 35mm, even medium format ... it's like magic! Hiding under a cover in order to view the grid to see through the lens is like stepping into another world. I feel like Alice meeting the cheshire cat and falling down the rabbit hole. :) Considering it's one of my favorite stories containing my favorite poem, this camera brings me into that world.

I'm thinking of going to San Francisco ... specially while flight prices are still down. I just spoke to an old friend from high school a couple days ago. Can't believe she got married! Though I can completely picture her doing so with the circumstance ... helping a gay man come into his inheritance, lol. Completely fits her. I've never been to California, and have always been drawn to it. Maybe it's the music I grew up listening to ... "If You're Going To San Francisco [Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair]". Since donating my hair a couple years ago, I've missed being able to put flowers in my braids. Maybe someday ... soon? I'd love to make that venture to the city that's inspired so many songs and artists over the years.

Oh, and here's a couple of the Schnuffel videos that I've been listening to and watching lately ... I'm addicted :)

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