Tuesday, June 16, 2009

large format final

turned in my large format final today - tabletop (2 commercial and 2 personal still-life's) and one large print :)
Here's the eye candy

Sunday, June 14, 2009

another quote .. heard it and it made me nostalgic for home :)

Marshall: She leaves you at the altar, and you're the one avoiding her?

Ted: Yes, I'm avoiding her. What's the big deal? That's how we do it.

Marshall: Who's we? Gutless weenies?

Ted: Uh, no. We is people from the great state of Ohio.
When life gives us pain, we Buckeyes take that pain and we push it down.
And if the pain starts to come up again,
we push more pain down on top of it.
Why confront something when you can avoid it? Right?

~How I met Your Mother

think i'll make it a star wars night

Saturday, June 13, 2009

cookie dough

My all-time favorite television quote :)

"And the guy thing ...
I always figured there was something wrong with me
because I couldn't make it work.
Maybe I'm not supposed to ...

Because, Okay ...
I'm cookie dough.
I'm not done baking ...
I'm not finished becoming whoever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be.
If I make it through this ...
and the next thing ...
and the next thing ...
And maybe one day I turn around and realize I'm ready,
I'm cookies!
And then, you know ...
If I want someone to eat .. or .. enjoy
Warm, delicous cookie-me,
Then, that's fine,
that'll be then,
when I'm done"
~Buffy - 7x22 - "Chosen"